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tv   Reel America Soldier in Hawaii - 1956  CSPAN  October 6, 2018 10:00pm-10:27pm EDT

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1956 u.s. profile of hawaii three years before it became a state. the half-hour film looks as hawaii is a tourist attraction, reviews the pearl harbor attack and end of world war ii, then stretches the lifestyle of world war ii soldiers and leisure activities of nurses on the hawaiian islands. this is an associate in the army's "big picture" series. ♪ >> hawaii, just the sound of the oft, gentle, and lyrical, seems to suggest what the islands are like. for here are islands of paradise. lanesd by nature as few are blessed. fertile valleys all basking in a
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climate that can be described by one word, perfect. wherever you turn in hawaii, beauty bathes your eye in nature's wonders. it may be the manicured green of a garden. it may be the gleaming whiteness of a sandy beach. whatever it is, people enjoy themselves in hawaii. fun, even if you taste salt water along the way. ♪ thousands of tourists come to hawaii each year. honolulu, they are met in the traditional hawaiian fashion. ♪ it doesn't take long for the visitor to hawaii to understand
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why people leave the islands with hearts as heavy as the strings of frequent lea -- around their next. there is another story, business and industry. honolulu is constantly expanding with buildings reflecting a forward-looking community. in june with this alert spirit, good roads and a network of highways afford highlanders swift transportation from one way to another. huge sugar plantations sprawl over the four principal hawaiian islands. the sugar industry is the source of more than 25% of the territory's income. one doesn't usually think of hawaii as a place for cowboys, but they are a familiar sight on the islands, where there are many thriving cattle ranches.
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but when one thinks of hawaii, one does think of pineapple. about 80% of the worlds supply comes from the island. the pineapple industry returns over $108 million annually to the hawaiian economy. sea the white flecked rolling in on the islands and salt sprayed air always conveyed a feeling of plenty and pleasure. until a certain sunday americans will never forget. the heavy black smoke billowing
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up over pearl harbor told the story. of america's defends had been cut short, and americans paid with their lives for this unguarded moment. years later on the battleship missouri, there was written the end of the japanese's d reams that december 7. japanese cameraman were among those present to record the evidence that america, caught with her defenses down, had rallied to victory. documents signed were as far as could be imagined from the arrogant sneak attack that led to it. maybes, it buts, no
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wasn't in conditional surrender. yes, the deck of the missouri was a long way from pearl harbor, a way paved with american sacrifice, drenched with the blood of men who never lived to see tokyo bay. many lie in the punch bowl crater on the island of oahu in hawaii, in the quiet of the pacific national cemetery of the pacific . hawaii, they are especially revered for what they have done in the past. line after line of grave markers gleaming in the sun serve also as a lesson to the future. and that lesson is, be prepared. having learned the hard way, america now maintains a
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hard-hitting military force in hawaii, always on the alert, always ready for any emergency. ♪ these ground forces have been omong those polled back t locations on hawaii, okinawa, and the continental united states. in the event of a sudden emergency, from hawaii and okinawa, as well as the continental united states, powerful ground forces can be airlifted quickly to any trouble spot. half of the army defends activities is on fort shatner on the outskirts of honolulu. the increased u.s. response abilities in the far east asia have expanded the scope of the mission in the pacific. within fort shatner's richardson
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hall is a communication center for pacific defense, with responsibilities extending far beyond the halloween imprimatur. at to this post is located the hawaii and based army command, which has possibilities for the u.s. army pacific command. but to most soldiers in the islands, homebase is likely to stillofield barracks, carrying mementos of what happened december 7. in 1908, it is the largest overseas army post. a wide variety of facilities for recreation, as well as training, are available for soldiers and their dependents. schofield is the home of the
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25th infantry division. the 25th was stationed in hawaii when the japanese attacked and went on to fight many valiant battles in world war ii and korea. 1954, after four years of duty and 10 campaigns in korea, the division was ordered back to its original home in schofield barracks. the honolulu harbor, past landmark of the aloha tower steamed the troopship. the division had been away a long time, and the welcome was -- well, just the sort of warm welcome hawaii is famous for. ♪ coming off the gangplank, them in run the gauntlet -- men run the gauntlet of friends on the pier.
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it is back home. the 25th division is composed of very renowned regimens. wolfhounds of the 27th infantry. 14th infantry regiment known as the golden dragons. ind the 35th infantry, the cact regiment. three battle toughened regiments at the heart of the fighting 25th, the pride of hawaii. the focal point of another aspect of island defense is magnificent palace. guardle of the national in the defense picture of the islands is spelled out. >> sir, everyone is familiar with the outstanding record of hawaii soldier. i understand hawaii has produced and has very fine peacetime
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soldiers. we have recruited to the level by law. we keep them training in peacetime for the eventuality of war. and gfantry air weapons uard also. nearly 100% attendance. they were highly prized by the army inspectors w supervisedho their training. ordersr: teach year the stream out. a sugarcane worker on maui. a man i chapter in -- on a tractor in kauai. a firemen in honolulu. all temporarily put aside their tools of daily living.
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men ats are said to the work, in the office, or out on the range. and all over the place, you hear last-minute promises to write early and often. at the national guard armory, they report in the brightly marked aloha shirts that the resident island. and come out wearing the uniform of their country. ♪ and the nextucks, few weeks finds the national guard unit rounding into shape as a smooth functioning team.
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the active-duty period for the national guard is climaxed by a traditional pass and review. avewonder the islanders h affectionately dubbed it. also working closely with soldiers are active-duty units near waikiki. beach man gets instruction before going into the field. for the people of hawaii, young and old, the men of the army, national guard and the reserves often demonstrate the use of military equipment.
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the younger element really gets a bang out of it. in an effort to cement relations between military and civilian communities, visitors are frequently invited to examine what the taxpayer's dollar is paying for in the weight of military hardware. here again, no one shows more interest than for small fry. -- the small fry. boy who will miss an opportunity to clamber aboard a tank and see what makes it tick. it is great fun for the kids, and adds up to even more friendly relations between combat troops stationed in hawaii. combat troops are not the whole story and the modern military establishment. one of the finest institutions
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in the army medical system is located on a hilltop overlooking the city of honolulu. throughout the huge hospital, you can see signs of busy activity. it may be emergency surgery. is beings a young man carefully lowered into a physical therapy bag. in either case, there is always the assurance of a nurse's smile. nurse walks another along with a patient as he tries to get the hang of crutches, and those very well at it. arts and crafts keep in mind away from brooding. and in the mess hall, the meals are a morale builder too. --doubles in titles for you in potatoes for you sergeant,
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but the green salad is fine. as to the kids, nurses are always getting in their hair, but they love it. this is not to say it is all work and no play. a telephone call often means a date. and a date can mean a top-down drive across a breezy shoreline. are plenty of places to stop, look, and listen to the crashing of waves on the beach below. is always fun to go down to waikiki, where ocean hotels loom up against the sky. plenty of surfboards are available. what better idea than to paddle out and catch a few waves? over waikikibabies waves is a lot like holding onto
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an ornery bronc. put a lot of men like to spend off-duty hours in a more relaxed way. trees session under palm gently waving in the breeze is more or less their version of heaven. arer hawaiian islands visited. off-duty servicemen and women see what life is like away from honolulu. as they pause buy mountain waterfall, they realize the natural splendor of the islands is reflected everywhere. over a what an appetite that bracing mountain air gives you. there is always a practical
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joker in every crowd. close,rnoon draws to a it is around the uke for a little harmonizing. a hawaiian born soldier teaches the girls how to shake a little. when they show the hawaii version of rock 'n roll, they will be the life of the party back in the states. but army personnel know they have a job to do in hawaii . when on duty, it is an all-out training effort. bayonet training is stressed under guidance of world war ii and korean combat veterans. again and again the men practice bayonetse butts and until the motions are second nature. the soldier gets hour after hour on the hot baking ground of the
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rifle range. it is ready on the right, ready on the left, ready on the firing line. >> [gunfire] narrator: and she learns how to work with the heavy stuff, too. >> [explosions] narrator: but what do you do -- out mile after mile on dusty psy roads on mountain trails. sometimes into the snow-covered slopes of mauna kea. them something special comes up, ofclimax to weeks planning. a field maneuver. in a remote area, tents are often set up after a day's
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march. ♪ narrator: a foxhole is only a few feet deep, but to the man it,sings it, it is -- digs it is the grand canyon. camouflage. now you see it, now you don't. andphone lines are strung, the camp is protected by a perimeter of defense points. the commanding general arrives for a last-minute inspection of the terrain where the mock combat will take place. meanwhile, the men are given a briefing, and within minutes platoon officers receive instruction. >> let's go over the main points once more. your first platoon is limited on the right by that roll of trees
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and on the left by that scar on the hill. your second platoon zone of action is limited on the right by the scar on the help and by left by that lone tree. your third platoon will be in reserve and will be prepared for deployment in either zone of assault platoon. your fourth fire line has been approved and ready for action. keep mortar fire ready to go upon request. are there any questions? >> sir, i don't like the looks of those woods on my left. could i get mortar fire? >> you have mortar fire. >> platoons, be ready for action on my word. narrator: sergeant makesa an arm motion, and then move forward. the action is repeated in
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various sectors of a broad front. up ahead waiting is the aggressive force, serving as a mock enemy. testing field conditions is one of the purposes of this realistic exercise, as the men push forward in a well organized advance. [explosions] narrator: under cover of a simulated artillery barrage, supported by tanks, the infantry pushes ahead. but the aggressors do not give way. >> [gunfire] narrator: the enemy is within range of small arms fire.
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[gunfire] narrator: then, throwing everything it has into a last ditch offensive, an aggressor brings up its own tanks. the tanks are spotted by forward observers. >> [gunfire]
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narrator: the aggressor tank is hit, but not stopped. [gunfire] narrator: medics get valuable training in removing simulated casualties from the front lines. man knocked out of action, there are many others who keep on advancing, firing as they overrun aggressor's positions and flush out the enemy. mission accomplished. ♪ r. i don't care about the wa
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am i right or wrong? narrator: the maneuver is over now, and the men start the long hike back. they step out with pride in themselves and the uniform they wear. yes, morale is high in hawaii. that is why on remote roads of the islands, you often hear the tramp tramp of marching feet, and the sounds of a stirring army on the march. four., two, three, ♪ yes, hawaii, the crossroads of the pacific. it has proven its value again and again as a bastion of defense for the freedom loving nations of the world. inviting you to be with us next
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week for another look at your army in action on the big picture. >> the big picture is a weekly television report to the nation on the activities of the army at home and overseas. produced by the army pictorial center. presented by the united states army in corporation this station. you too can be an important part of the big picture. you concerned with the best equipped, the best trained, the best fighting team in the world today, the united states army. ♪ bus recently made the long journey to hawaii for the 39th stop in our 50 capitals tour. join us to watch our visit to hawaii on c-span's book tv. we will visit stops along the hawaiian islands, showcasing the
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unique history and literary culture of the 50th state. ♪ >> between 1916 and 1925, the ford motor company produced hundreds of silent educational films for sale and distribution of public schools, universities, and libraries. the collection was donated to the national archives in the early 1960's. next on reel america, "the hawaiian islands." this 10 minute silent film shows scenes of businesses and tourists destinations, banana sugarcane and pineapple plantations, and processing plants, and scenes of the island's landscape and active volcanoes.


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